From least looked forward to to most, mine are
1. Super Mario Bros Z Ep 7
2. Madness 9
3. Not Another Sprite Fight 2
4. The Story of Khale 3
5. The Rise of P-bot
What are yours? If you post them, I'll count up the votes and make a movie popularity scale.
So that's 3 for SMBZ7
2 for Power Star 4
2 for NASF2
3 for Madness 9
3 for Joe Zombie 7
2 for Castle Repercussions
2 for Fallen Angel 1
1 for Polypeptide
1 for The Story of Khale 3
2 for The Rise of P-bot
1 for Skater V2
1 for Blockhead
1 for Nameless 7
1 for the next Angrydog
1 for another Awesome movie
1 for Space Action 1
1 for Apocalypse Please
1 for Fancy Pants 3
1 for Pico's School 2
and 1 for Nose-Army 93: Boogers.
Nose army 93: boogers.
Je ne comprende pas.